Sunday, March 25, 2007

Scaffolding PD Model

The scaffolding professional development model could be a framework designed to support teachers in using technology to increase student achievement. The differentiated professional development model would allow participants to determine personal entry points and select professional development opportunities that meet individual learning needs.

What would be the purpose of the scaffolding PD Model?
· To clearly communicate professional development opportunities that respond to varying readiness levels and modes of learning; and
· To provide a self-assessment continuum describing stages of proficiency that would allow participants to identify and select professional development and support options at each stage of growth.

The article, Differentiation in Diverse Settings, by Carol Ann Tomlinson, in the School Administrator provides some great ideas for differentiating staff development! I found the implementation stories interesting, in particular the Waterside story and how they developed a “coherent and sustained movement in a desirable direction.”

The article reminded me about the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM). I believe an adapted framework can easily be customized in order to provide a scaffolding professional development model. Similarly, in the article, Tomlinson also talks about Watersides’ continuum used to support teacher staff development and needs at each stage of growth as one of the components in their implementation that was successful. Perhaps the CBAM model needs to be resurfaced again!

Recommended Reading:
The CBAM: Concerns Based Adoption Model
The Concerns Based Adoption Model
CBAM - Impact for Administrators
Stages of Concern about Technology use

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